Thursday, February 01, 2007

RFID: Trossen Robotics - Playing With a Full Deck

Trossen Robotics announces their RFID Playing Card kit, which includes 2 complete matching decks and 60 RFID labels (54 for cards + 6 extra).

Some assembly is required (kits are shipped with labels not yet applied)and according to Trossen "...this deck is meant for fun & experimental purposes. The RFID labels are different sizes than the cards and are hard to place perfectly so a sharp eye could learn which cards are which. This deck is intended for home projects, school projects, demonstrations, proof of concept, etc."

What will this mean for the amateur gambler?


At 2:29 AM , Anonymous Import2sage said...

Attention all the playing cards lovers and gamblers . . Here is some what like RFID playing cards .

At 2:10 AM , Anonymous RFID Asset management said...

Okay now RFID will be used in the Playing cards also . . . .
GR8 . . .


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